Our story so far…
An Overview
Selby is one of 150 areas in England chosen to deliver Big Local – a community-led, 10-year Big Lottery-funded programme which helps residents create lasting change through an investment of at least £1 million and supported by Local Trust. Awarded £1 million to spend on activity identified by the local community.
Our Background
Big Local came to Selby in 2014 when an outreach worker began engaging with local residents and a local steering group was formed. Following a period of community research and local events, the Partnership was formed in 2016 when it published its first two-year Community Plan
Selby Big Local published our 2020-21 Community Action Plan in April 2020. This outlined our priorities, themes, activities, and ideas for the next 18 months and identified the following priority areas for its work.
Big Local puts the local community, and most importantly residents, firmly in the driving seat allowing them to identify local needs, act and make a lasting, positive difference.
There are lots of ways to get involved in Selby Big Local and we’d love to hear from you.
Big Local Area – there are three distinct areas.
The area includes the residential areas of Flaxley Road estate to the north and Abbots Road estate to the south. It also includes the town centre of Selby.
Selby Big Local is all about delivering in partnership, making the best of local knowledge, skills, ambition, and enthusiasm to make Selby an even better place to live.
Selby Big Local is supported by its Local Trusted Organisation, Up for Yorkshire to support the Selby Big Local Partnership.
“Selby Big Local will seek to make a lasting and positive difference to our local community. We will bring together all the talent, ambitions, skills and energy from individuals, groups and organisations who want to make our area an even better place to live.”
Empowering residents to take the lead - we know that residents often have the answers to address the issues that are important to our local community. We have trust in our local community and want to support residents to run their own projects and set up groups that help local people take the lead.
Bringing People Together through community involvement and participation is a big priority for Selby Big Local. Whether it’s a one-off community event or a regular social group, we want to find new ways to unite our community.
‘Our Space’ - 58 Flaxley Road – Selby Big Local is creating a much-needed community space in the heart of the Big Local area.
Our key themes are:
Tackling social isolation
Improving health and wellbeing
Creating new opportunities for change
Be part of this exciting opportunity. Together we can make Selby an even better place to live.
Meet the Partnership.
The Selby Big Local Partnership is a group of local residents and representatives from local organisations, including the Town, and County Council. The Partnership is responsible for deciding how the Big Local money is spent and delivering their Community Plan. Big Local relies on the hard work of volunteers, but it’s rewarding! Come and have your say, we’re always looking for more people to join us!
Comments from some of our past and present Partnership members :
“Big Local offers an amazing opportunity for real change BUT engagement of residents is key to keeping it relevant and ensure it delivers.” Selby Town Council
“What I like most about being involved in Big Local… Not doing it on our own or on a shoestring, but having loads of great help: people to guide us; a team to help make things happen, and a great bunch of people to have a laugh with while getting things done.” Richard Cooke Resident
“Big Local is a real opportunity for people to have their say and to shape and own their community’s future. You can learn new skills and really make a difference. On a personal level, I was born on to the Abbot’s Road estate and grew up on the Flaxley Road estate, so making positive changes in these areas is close to my heart.” Angela Crossland
“Big Local is about supporting people to make the changes they want in their community”. Tom Jenkinson North Yorkshire County Council
"The Big Local is an amazing opportunity for residents to play an active role in creating an exciting future for themselves and their community." Chris Hailey Norris Chief Officer, Up For Yorkshire (our Local Trusted Organisation)
"Selby Big Local is about supporting us as a community to have a voice and to make positive things happen on our estates that will benefit our family, friends, and neighbours." Robin Belder Member
As well as becoming a member of the Partnership or volunteering, there are a number of ways that Selby Big Local works with other organisations.
Selby Big Local works in partnership with existing organisations to address the priorities in our plan.
Selby Big Local works with other people and organisations to jointly create a project to meet a shared priority.
“The Big Local Partnership helps to develop and deliver projects that address the priorities in our Community Action Plan and to understand the difference that Selby Big Local makes in the community. If you are an organisation or group that would like to work with us, please get in touch.”
Through our focus on bringing people, partners and local groups together, and helping us all lead happier, healthy and more fulfilling lives.
Please get in touch if you have ideas about how to make Selby an even better place to live.
A few of our previous projects…
Every project we have run has been a result of our conversations with the community of Selby. Sadly Covid-19 restrictions caused us to stop many of our activities.
Community Chest
This was a small fund to provide seed funding for residents and local groups in Selby to try new ideas to make a difference to residents, and help them to bring those ideas to life. It empowered residents to take the lead - knowing that residents often have the answers to address the issues that are important to our local community. Trust in our local community and wanting to support residents to run their own projects and set up groups that help local people take the lead.
Big Aspirations
A programme developed with Selby Abbey C of E Primary School, Barwic Parade Community Primary School, and Selby Community Primary School, to support pupils raise their career aspirations, exciting them about the world of work.
Selby Community Choir
The Community Choir was formed in 2015 when members of the Selby Big Local Partnership worked with Paula Haylett of the Salvation Army to form an initial group that met fortnightly at the St Richards room on Abbotts Road.
Since then the choir has gone from strength to strength with over 30 members and a new home at The Church at The Crossroads on Petre Avenue.
The Choir is fun and friendly welcoming people of all ages and abilities, both male and female can join. If you are interested in joining you don’t have to be able to sing and there are no scary auditions. Just come with enthusiasm and join in!
The choir meets fortnightly on a Tuesday evening at 19.30. You can find out more about the choir including upcoming rehearsal and concert dates here
The group is still going strong, is now self-sufficient and is a big part of the Selby community.
Over 50's Computer Club
This successful project was held weekly at the Coultish Centre on Charles Street and at The Church at the Crossroads on the Abbotts Road estate.
Working with Young People
Working with local film company Inspired Youth to support a group of young people from the Selby Big Local area to produce a film about life for young people living in Selby. You can find out more about the project by clicking here.
All our projects aim to:
Bring People Together through community involvement and participation. This is a big priority for Selby Big Local. Whether it’s a one-off community event or a regular social group, we want to find new ways to unite our community.
They address one or more of our four vision areas:
Supporting community involvement and participation
“our vision is to see greater community ownership and participation, where people are better connected, contributing to the community and invested in where they live”
Creating opportunities for young people
“our vision is to work with young people to create improved life chances and support them to achieve their ambitions”
Enhancing health and wellbeing
“our vision is for people of all ages living in Selby to feel emotionally and physically well and to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives”
Raising aspirations through employment, skills and training
“our vision is for improved access to a range of training, learning and development opportunities for both young people and adults, so they can take positive steps in achieving their full potential”
How Our Space Came to Be…
In 2019 Selby Big Local bought a derelict shop in the heart of the Big Local area, to transform it into a vibrant, community-owned community-led space. This followed four years of talking to residents to understand what issues are most important to them. Finding a place for residents to come together and make “community happen” was a priority. 58 Flaxley Road is just a building; what is important to us is the people that visit it, the residents that come to think of it as a safe and welcoming haven, and the opportunities that having a community-owned space, that responds to local priorities, can bring to the wider community.
We are about change for our community and we have called
58 Flaxley Road, ‘Our Space’.
As residents we believe in our community and the power of honest and authentic voices to bring about change.
We see Our Space as a place for socialising, learning and enterprise, offering everything from cookery classes, workshops and classes, after-school activities to volunteer-led projects, but what the space offers is up to you!
We have worked with Thread Architects to co-design the space and create physical plans to reflect the community’s vision. We’re working hard to secure additional funding and we hope the building will open Summer 2023.
We welcome all local residents to get involved. To find out more
Please follow us on
You can email us ourspaceselby@gmail.com
You can also sign up for our mailing list below
Drop us a line for further information, comments or just for a cup of tea.
Personal information provided will be collected and used by Selby Big Local only, to inform people of our activities, and in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.